"Near-field optical microscopy of surface
second-harmonic generation," I.I.Smolyaninov, A.V.Zayats, C.H.Lee, C.C.Davis,
talk at the American Physical Society March Meeting, San-Francisco (CA,
USA), 1998.
"Spectroscopy of SHG from semimagnetic
superlattices based on ZnTe/ZnMnTe and CdTe/CdMnTe," A.N.Georgobiani, A.V.Zayats,
Yu.A.Repeyev, D.E.Ashenford, B.Lunn, poster at the International Conf.
on Optics of Semiconductors, Ul'yanovsk (Russia), 1998.
"Near-field microscopy of second-harmonic
generation," A.Zayats, I.Smolyaninov, C.Davis, talk at the XVI International
Conf. on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics (ICONO-98), Moscow (Russia),
"Experiments with nanoscopic light sources,"
P.Kramper, C.Hettich, J.Michaelis, A.Zayats, H.Schniepp, B.Eiermann, V.Sandoghdar,
J.Mlynek, poster at the Summer School on QED Phenomena and Applications
of Microcavities and Photonic Crystals, Cargese (France), 1998.
"Mapping of an optical standing wave
with a single molecule," J.Michaelis, C.Hettich, A.Zayats, B.Eierdmann,
V.Sandoghdar, J.Mlynek, talk at the CLEO/Europe-EQEC'98, Glasgow (UK),
"Prospects in apertureless optical near-field
microscopy," V.Sandoghdar, A.Zayats, J.Michaelis, P.Kramper, C.Hettich,
J.Mlynek, talk at the 19th Meeting of the European Optical Society, Hyeres
(France), 1998.
"Imaging of electromagnetic field distribution
using a single molecule probe," J.Michaelis, C.Hettich, A.Zayats, B.Eierdmann,
V.Sandoghdar, J.Mlynek, poster at the German-Russian Laser Symposium'98,
Munich (Germany), 1998.
A.V.Zayats, Yu.A.Repeyev, A.N.Georgobiani,
D.Ashenford, B.Lunn, "Spectroscopy of second-harmonic generation from Zn1-xMnxTe/ZnTe/Zn1-xMnxTe
quantum wells," Microelectr. Eng., vol.43&44, 1998, pp.229-236.
"Near-field second-harmonic generation
from metallic structures," A.V.Zayats, talk at the 5th International Conf.
on Near Field Optics and Related Techniques, Osaka (Japan), 1998.
"Apertureless SNOM with nanometric fluorescent
probes," V.Sandoghdar, J.Michaelis, P.Kramper, C.Hettich, A.Zayats, B.Eierdmann,
H.Schniepp, J.Mlynek, talk at the 5th International Conf. on Near
Field Optics and Related Techniques, Osaka (Japan), 1998.
A.V.Zayats, "Novel trends in scanning
near-field optical microscopy," lecture at the Tokyo University, Tokyo,
Japan (December 11, 1998).
A.V.Zayats, I.I.Smolyaninov, C.C.Davis,
"Near-field microscopy of second-harmonic generation," in Novel
Trends in Laser Spectroscopy and Optical Diagnostics, A.Y.Chikishev,
V.N.Zadkov, A.M.Zheltikov, eds., Proc. SPIE, vol.3732, 1999, pp.81-92.
"Preparation, control, and investigation
of nanoscopic fluorescent droplets," H.Schniepp, P.Kramper, A.Zayats, J.Mlynek,
V.Sandoghdar, poster at the German Physical Society Annual Meeting, Heidelberg
(Germany), 1999.
A.V.Zayats, "Electromagnetic field enhancement
in the context of apertureless near-field microscopy," Opt. Commun., vol.161,
1999, pp.156-162.
J.Michaelis, C.Hettich, A.Zayats,
B.Eierdmann, V.Sandoghdar, J.Mlynek, "Single molecule as a probe of optical
intensity distribution," Opt. Lett., vol.24, 1999, pp.581-583.
A.V.Zayats, "Novel trends in scanning
near-field optical microscopy: surface second-harmonic generation," lecture
at the University of Bourgogne, Dijon, France (July 12, 1999).
"Molecular beam deposition of crystalline
layers of polar perhydrotriphenylene inclusion compounds characterised
by second harmonic generation microscopy," A.Quintel, F.Budde, P.Rechsteiner,
K.Thoma, A.Zayats, J.Hulliger, talk at the 2nd Materials Chemistry Discussion
on Organic Thin Films, Nottingham (UK), 1999.
A.V.Zayats, I.I.Smolyaninov, C.C.Davis,
"Observation of localized plasmonic excitations in thin metal films with
near-field second-harmonic microscopy," Opt. Commun., vol.169, 1999, pp.93-96.
A.V.Zayats, "Scanning near-field microscopy
of second-harmonic generation," lecture at the University of Lausanne,
Lausanne, Switzerland (October 11, 1999).
"Near-field microscopy of second-harmonic
generation," A.V.Zayats, talk at the 2nd Irish SPM Users Forum, Belfast
(Northern Ireland, UK), 1999.
A.V.Zayats, "Scanning near-field optical
microscopy," lecture at the National University of Ireland, University
College Cork, Ireland (December 10, 1999).
"Near-field microscopy of second-harmonic
generation," A.V.Zayats, talk at the EPSRC Nano-optical Microscopy
Network Meeting, Cambridge (UK), 2001.
"Near-field second-harmonic microscopy
of magnetic domains," A.V.Zayats, talk at the Seagate/Universities Research
Conclave, Londonderry (Northern Ireland, UK), 2001.
L.Salomon, F.Grillot, F. de Fornel,
A.V.Zayats, "Near-field distribution of optical transmission of periodic
subwavelength holes in a metal film," Phys. Rev. Lett., vol.86, 2001, pp.1110-1113.
- A.V.Zayats, V.Sandoghdar, "Apertureless
near-field optical microscopy via local second-harmonic generation," J.
Microsc., vol.202, 2001, pp.94-100.
"Materials imaging and characterisation with apertureless
second-harmonic SNOM," S.Takahashi, D.McHugh, A.V.Zayats, talk
at the 13th FAMS Annual Meeting Scanning-2001, New York (USA),
- "Optical transmission of a metal film with periodic subwavelength holes: a near-field
view," L.Salomon, F.Grillot, F. de Fornel, A.V.Zayats, talk
(post-deadline paper) at the Conf. on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science
(CLEO/QELS-2001), Baltimore (Maryland, USA), 2001.
S.Takahashi, D.McHugh, A.V.Zayats, "Materials imaging and characterisation with apertureless
second-harmonic scanning near-field optical microscopy," Scanning,
vol.23, 2001, pp.70-71.
- "Scanning near-field optical microscopy: principles, applications and
prospects," A.V.Zayats, invited talk at the 25th Annual Symposium of the Microscopy Society of Ireland,
Belfast (Northern Ireland, UK), 2001.
- "Local excitation of surface plasmon polaritons on discontinuities
of a metal film," L. Salomon, G. Bassou, F. de Fornel, H. Aourag,
A. Zayats, talk at the OSA Annual Meeting 2001/ILS XVII, Long
Beach (California, USA), 2001.
- A.V.Zayats, "Near-field microscopy of surface plasmon polaritons on randomly rough
and nanostructured surfaces," lecture at the University of Exeter, UK (November 23, 2001).
- A.V.Zayats, "Scanning near-field microscopy of surface plasmon polaritons,"
lecture at the University of Southampton, UK (December 7, 2001).
- "How light gets through nanostructured metal films," A.V.Zayats, talk at the EPSRC
Nano-optical Microscopy
Network Meeting, Teddington, London (UK), 2002.
- A.V.Zayats, "Electromagnetic field enhancement in scanning near-field optical microscopy,"
lecture at the Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., Germany (January 18,
- L.Salomon, G.Bassou, J.P.Dufour, F. de Fornel, A.V.Zayats, "Local excitation of
surface plasmon polaritons at discontinuities of a metal film:
theoretical analysis and optical near-field measurements," Phys. Rev. B, vol.65, 2002, 125409.
- "Nanoscopic light sources via
electromagnetic field enhancement," A.V.Zayats, talk at the Institute of Physics
Meeting Local Optical Probes
- Tweezers to Nano-Optics, London (UK), 2002.
- I.I.Smolyaninov, A.V.Zayats, A.Gungor, C.C.Davis,
"Single-photon tunneling via localized surface plasmons," Phys.
Rev. Lett., vol.88, 2002, 187402.
- S.Takahashi, A.V.Zayats, "Near-field second-harmonic generation at a metal tip
apex," Appl. Phys. Lett., vol.80, 2002, pp.3479-3481.
- A.V.Zayats,
"Near-field Second-harmonic generation," lecture at the Institut Galilee,
Universite Paris-Nord (XIII), France (June 9, 2002).
- "Single-photon tunnelling," I.I.Smolyaninov, A.V.Zayats, A.Gungor, C.C.Davis,
talk at the International Quantum Electronics Conference (IQEC/LAT-2002), Moscow (Russia), 2002.
- "Near-field optical transmission of surface polaritonic crystals," A.V.Zayats, L.Salomon, F.de Fornel,
poster at the 7th International Conf. on Near Field Optics and Related Techniques, Rochester (NY, USA), 2002.
- "Near-field imaging of magnetic domains:linear and nonlinear approaches," W.Dickson, S.Takahashi, A.V.Zayats,
poster at the 7th International Conf. on Near Field Optics and Related Techniques, Rochester (NY, USA), 2002.
- "Second-harmonic generation at metal tips in apertureless scanning near-field microscopy," S.Takahashi, A.V.Zayats,
talk at the 7th International Conf. on Near Field Optics and Related Techniques, Rochester (NY, USA), 2002.
- "Towards single-photon tunnelling," I.I.Smolyaninov, A.V.Zayats, A.Gungor, C.C.Davis,
talk at the 7th International Conf. on Near Field Optics and Related Techniques, Rochester (NY, USA), 2002.
- "Localised surface plasmons: electromagnetic field enhancement and light confinement on the
nanoscale," A.V.Zayats, invited talk at the XXVII General Assembly of the
International Union of Radio Science (URSI), Maastricht (The Netherlands), 2002.
- "Resonant light tunnelling through periodically nanostructured metal films,"
S.A.Darmanyan, A.V.Zayats, talk at the Applied Optics and Opto-electronics Conference, Photon02, Cardiff (UK), 2002.
- A.V.Zayats, "Electromagnetic field enhancement and light confinement on the
nanoscale," in Proc. XXVII General Assembly of the
International Union of Radio Science (URSI), 2002, 1078(4).
- "Near-field imaging of magnetic structures," W.Dickson, S.Takahashi, A.V.Zayats, talk
at the EPSRC Nano-optical Microscopy Network Meeting, Bristol (UK), 2002.
- "Monolayered opalline superlattice: application to nanotechnology of 2D ordered array of epitaxial nanodots and
metalattice conductors," F. Briones, G.A. Emelchenko, A.N.
Gruzintsev, A.M. Ionov, G.M. Mikhailov, I.M. Tighineanu, A.V.
Zayats, talk at the III Intern. Conference on Microelectronics and
Computer Science, Chisinau (Moldova), 2002.
- I.I.Smolyaninov, C.C.Davis, A.V.Zayats, "Light-controlled photon
tunneling," Appl. Phys. Lett., vol.81, 2002, pp.3314-3316.
- I.I.Smolyaninov, A.V.Zayats, A. Stanishevsky,
C.C.Davis, "Optical control of photon tunneling through an
array of nanometer scale cylindrical channels," Phys. Rev. B, vol.66, 2002, 205414.
- I.I.Smolyaninov, A.V.Zayats, "Single photon tunneling in
photonic crystals with deep defect states," Opt. Lett., vol.28, 2003, pp.93-95.
- "Light-controlled photon tunneling through nonlinear nanoholes,"
I.I. Smolyaninov, A.V. Zayats, C.C. Davis, invited talk at the
SPIE Optoelectronics-2003 Conference, Photonics West, San Jose
(CA, USA), 2003.
- S.A.Darmanyan, A.V.Zayats, "Light tunnelling via resonant surface plasmon polariton
states and the enhanced transmission of periodically
nanostructured metal films: an analytical study," Phys. Rev. B,
vol.67, 2003, 035424.
- "Single-photon tunnelling via localised surface plasmons," A.V. Zayats, I.I. Smolyaninov, C.C. Davis, invited talk at the Institute of Physics Meeting on Photonic Structures, London (UK), 2003.
- "Layered chiral metallic metamaterials," A. Potts, A. Papakostas, S. Takahashi,
S.L. Prosvirnin, D.M. Bagnall, A.V. Zayats, N.I. Zheludev, poster at the Institute of Physics Meeting on Photonic Structures, London (UK), 2003.
- G.T.Shubeita, S.K.Sekatskii, G.Dietler, S.Takahashi,
A.V.Zayats, "Near-field optical microscopy of strongly scattering
microporous metal/polymer membranes," Optics Comm., vol.217, 2003,
- "Optical control of photon tunneling through an array of
nanometer-scale cylindrical channels," I. Smolyaninov, A. Zayats,
A. Stanishevsky, C. Davis, talk at the
American Physical Society March Meeting, Austin (TX, USA), 2003.
- W. Dickson, S. Takahashi, R. Pollard, R. Atkinson, A.V.
Zayats, "Near-field imaging of ultrathin magnetic films with
in-plane magnetisation," J. Microsc., vol.209, 2003, pp.194-198.
"Second harmonic generation from artificially structured gold
films observed with near-field optical microscopy," S. Takahashi,
W. Dickson, J. Elliott, A.V. Zayats, talk at the IoP Condensed
Matter and Materials Physics Conference, Belfast (UK), 2003.
"Surface plasmon polaritons in magnetic multilayered structures,"
J. Elliott, S. Takahashi, C. Douglas, R. Pollard, A.V. Zayats,
poster at the IoP Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Conference,
Belfast (UK), 2003.
W. Dickson, S. Takahashi, R. Pollard, R. Atkinson, A.V. Zayats, "High-resolution imaging of magnetic domain structures using
optical techniques," in Nanotechnology, R. Vajtai, X. Aymerich, L.B. Kish, A. Rubio,
Eds., Proc. SPIE, vol.5118, 2003, pp.602-612.
A.V. Zayats, "Surface-plasmon-enhanced optical properties of metallic nanostructures," lecture at the
Max-Planck-Institut fuer Biochemie, Martinsried, Germany (May 13, 2003).
"Near-field optical imaging of ferromagnetic materials using linear and non-linear techniques,"
W. Dickson, S. Takahashi, A.V. Zayats, poster at the SPIE conference
Microtechnologies for the New Millennium, Las Palmas
(Spain), 2003.
"Magnetic domain studies using scanning near-field optical
microscopy in reflection mode," S. Takahashi, W. Dickson, A.V.
Zayats, poster at the Intern. Conf. on Scanning Probe
Microscopy, Oxford (UK), 2003.
"Optical control of photon tunneling through an array of
nanometer scale cylindrical channels," I.I.Smolyaninov,
A.V.Zayats, A. Stanishevsky, C.C.Davis, talk at the Conf. on
Quantum Electronics and Laser Science (CLEO/QELS-2003), Baltimore
(Maryland, USA), 2003.
"Polarization superprism effect in surface plasmon
polaritonic nanostructures," A.V.Zayats, I.I.Smolyaninov,
C.C.Davis, talk (post-deadline paper) at the Conf. on Quantum
Electronics and Laser Science (CLEO/QELS-2003), Baltimore
(Maryland, USA), 2003.
- A.V. Zayats, L. Salomon, F. de Fornel, "How light gets through periodically nanostructured metal
films: a role of surface polaritonic crystals," J. Microsc.,
vol.210, 2003, pp.344-349.
- A.V. Zayats, I.I. Smolyaninov, W. Dickson, C.C. Davis,
"Polarization superprism effect in surface polaritonic crystals,"
Appl. Phys. Lett., vol.82, 2003, pp.4438-4440.
- D. Gerard, L. Salomon. F. De Fornel, A.V. Zayats, "Ridge
enhanced optical transmission through an apertureless metal film,"
poster at the 1st International Conf. on Electromagnetic Near-field
Characterization (ICONIC), Rouen (France), 2003.
"Active and passive polarization effects in surface
polaritonic crystals," A.V. Zayats, I.I. Smolyaninov, C.C. Davis, poster at the
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/Europe-2003), Munich (Germany), 2003.
"Light tunnelling through periodically nanostructured metal
films," S.A Darmanyan, A.V. Zayats, poster at the
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/Europe-2003), Munich (Germany), 2003.
"Planar chiral meta-materials: controlling the polarization state
of light in the far- and near- field," D.M. Bagnall, A. Papakostas,
A. Potts, S.L. Prosvirnin, S. Takahashi, A.V. Zayats, N.I. Zheludev, talk at the
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/Europe-2003), Munich (Germany), 2003.
- D. Gerard, L. Salomon. F. De Fornel, A.V. Zayats, "Ridge
enhanced optical transmission through an apertureless metal film,"
in Proc. 1st International Conf. on Electromagnetic Near-field
Characterization (ICONIC), 2003, pp.221-225.
- I.I. Smolyaninov, A.V. Zayats, C.C. Davis, "Light-controlled
photon tunneling through nonlinear nanoholes," in
Quantum Sensing: Evolution and Revolution from Past to Future, M. Razeghi, G.J. Brown, Eds., Proc. SPIE, vol.4999, 2003, pp.118-129.
A.V. Zayats, I.I. Smolyaninov, "Near-field photonics: surface plasmon polaritons and localised surface plasmons,"
J. Opt. A, vol. 5, 2003, pp.S16-S50 (review article).
"Light transmission through periodically
nanostructured metal films," S.A. Darmanyan, M. Neviere, A.V.
Zayats, invited talk at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on
Nonlinear Waves: Classical and Quantum Aspects, Estoril
(Portugal), 2003.
"Optical control of photon tunneling through nonlinear nanoholes," I.I.Smolyaninov,
A.V.Zayats, A. Stanishevsky, C.C.Davis, invited talk at the
Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology &
Quantum Nanostructure and Nanoelectronics (CREST&QNN03)
Joint International Symposium, Avaji (Hyogo, Japan), 2003.
"Optical properties of metallic nano-structures with
elliptical hole arrays," J. Elliott, W. Dickson, S. Takahashi,
A.V. Zayats, poster at the Surface Plasmon Photonics
Euro-Conference on Nano-Optics, Granada (Spain), 2003.
"Linear and nonlinear polarisation effects in transmission
of surface plasmon polaritonic crystals," A.V. Zayats, I.I.
Smolyaninov, invited talk at the Surface Plasmon Photonics
Euro-Conference on Nano-Optics, Granada (Spain), 2003.
"Studying surface plasmon polaritons with near-field optical
microscopy," A.V. Zayats, invited talk at the VII Intern. Conf. on
Laser & Laser-Information Technologies: Fundamental Problems
and Applications, Plovdiv (Bulgaria), 2003.
A.S. Schwanecke, A. Krasavin, D.M. Bagnall, A. Potts, A.V.
Zayats, N.I. Zheludev, "Broken time reversal of light interaction
with planar chiral nanostructures," Phys. Rev. Lett., vol.91,
2003, 247404.
- "Polarisation dependencies of the enhanced optical
transmission through surface polaritonic crystals," J. Elliott, W.
Dickson, S. Takahashi, R. Pollard, A.V. Zayats, talk at the EPSRC
Nano-optical Microscopy Network Meeting, London (UK), 2004.
- "Near-field SHG imaging of polycrystalline PZT," W. Dickson,
S. Takahashi, C. Morros i Boronat, A.V. Zayats, talk at the EPSRC
Nano-optical Microscopy Network Meeting, London (UK), 2004.
- D. Richards, A. Zayats, Preface to the theme issue on "Nano-optics and near-field
microscopy," Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. A,
vol. 362, 2004, pp.699-700.
- A.V. Zayats, I.I. Smolyaninov, "Near-field second-harmonic
generation," Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. A, vol. 362, 2004, pp.843-860
(review article).
- D. Gerard, L. Salomon, F. de Fornel, A.V. Zayats,
"Ridge-enhanced optical transmission through a continuous metal
film," Phys. Rev. B, vol.69, 2004, 113405.
- "Ultrasmall with ultrafast: nonlinear nano-optics," A.V.
Zayats, invited talk at the Coherent Positive Light Ultrafast
Users Meeting, Guildford (UK), 2004.
- "Nano-optics of surface plasmon polaritons," A.V.
Zayats, lecture at the University
College London, UK (April 19, 2004).
- "Broken time reversal and electromagnetic anyon
quasiparticles in 2D chiral plasmon nanostructures," N.I.
Zheludev, A.S. Schwanecke, A. Potts, D.M. Bagnall, A.V. Zayats,
E.M. Wright, talk at the Intern. Quantum Electronics Conf.
(CLEO/IQEC-2004), San-Francisco (CA, USA), 2004.
- S.A. Darmanyan, M. Neviere, A.V. Zayats, "Enhanced
optical transmission via tunnel coupling in surface polaritonic
crystals," in Nonlinear Waves: Classical and Quantum
Aspects, F. Abdullaev and V.V. Konotop, Eds., Kluwer Academic
Publ., Dordrecht, 2004, pp.313-326.
- J. Elliott, I.I. Smolyaninov, N.I. Zheludev, A.V. Zayats,
"Polarization control of optical transmission of a periodic array
of elliptical nanoholes in a metal film," Opt. Lett., vol.29, 2004,
- "Focused ion beam writing of optical patterns in a-SiC:H,"
T. Tsvetkova, S.Takahashi, A. Zayats, P. Dawson, R. Turner, L.
Bischoff, O. Angelov, D. Dimova-Malinovska, talk at the 5th
International Conference on Ion Implantation and Applications of
Ions and Electrons, Lublin (Poland), 2004.
- S. Takahashi, W. Dickson, R. Pollard, A.V. Zayats,
"Near-field magneto-optical analysis in reflection mode SNOM,"
Ultramicroscopy, vol.100, 2004, pp.443-447.
- "Optical properties of nano-hole arrays in thin metallic
films," J. Elliott, I.I. Smolyaninov, S. Takahashi, A.V. Zayats,
poster at the Roman Bath Summer School on Glass-based
Nanophotonics, Bath (UK), 2004.
- "Magnetic domain imaging using linear and non-linear
scanning near-field optical microscopy," W. Dickson, S. Takahashi,
A.V. Zayats, poster at the Roman Bath Summer School on Glass-based
Nanophotonics, Bath (UK), 2004.
- "Experimental nano-optics: principles and applications,"
A.V. Zayats, invited tutorial at
the Roman Bath Summer School on Glass-based Nanophotonics, Bath
(UK), 2004.
- "Polarization properties of the enhanced optical
transmission through surface polaritonic crystals," J. Elliott, W.
Dickson, S. Takahashi, R. Pollard, I.I. Smolyaninov, C.C. Davis,
N.I. Zheludev, A.V. Zayats, talk at the Photonics for
Space Environments, SPIE Annual Meeting Optical Science and Technology, Denver (CO, USA), 2004.
- D. Gerard, L. Salomon, F. de Fornel, A.V. Zayats, "Analysis of the Bloch mode spectra of surface polaritonic crystals
in the weak and strong coupling regimes: grating-enhanced
transmission at oblique incidence and suppression of SPP radiative
losses," Opt. Express, vol.12, 2004, pp.3652-3663.
- S.A. Darmanyan, M. Neviere, A.V. Zayats, "Analytical
theory of optical transmission through periodically structured
metal films via tunnel-coupled surface polariton modes," Phys.
Rev. B, vol.70, 2004, 075103.
- "Near-field optical imaging of planar chiral
nanostructures," S. Takahashi, A.V. Zayats, A. Potts, D. Bagnall,
N.I. Zheludev, talk at the 8th International Conf. on Near Field
Optics and Related Techniques, Seoul (South Korea), 2004.
- "Sub-wavelength optical microscopy based on two-dimensional
image magnification by surface plasmon polaritons," A.V. Zayats, J.
Elliott, I.I. Smolyaninov, C.C. Davis, talk at the 8th
International Conf. on Near Field Optics and Related Techniques,
Seoul (South Korea), 2004.
- "Near-field second-harmonic imaging of magnetic domains" W.
Dickson, S. Takahashi, A.V. Zayats, poster at the 8th International
Conf. on Near Field Optics and Related Techniques, Seoul (South
Korea), 2004.
- "Active plasmonics: a new concept for controlling surface
plasmon-polariton waves," A.V. Krasavin, A.V. Zayats, N.I.
Zheludev, talk at the 16th Quantum Electronics and Photonics
Conference, Photon04, Glasgow (UK), 2004.
- "Surface plasmon nano-optics," A.V. Zayats, lecture at Sogang University, Seoul,
South Korea (September 2004).
- "Surface plasmon polaritons on nanostructured surfaces and
thin films," A.V. Zayats, invited plenary talk at the 10th
International Conference on Mathematical Methods in
Electromagnetic Theory, Dnipropetrovsk (Ukraine), 2004.
- A.V. Zayats, S.A. Darmanyan, D. Gerard, L. Salomon, F. de
Fornel, "Surface plasmon polaritons on nanostructured surfaces and
thin films," in Proc. of the 10th International Conference on
Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (Dnipropetrovsk,
Ukraine, 2004), IEEE, 2004, pp.73-78.
- J. Elliott, W. Dickson, S. Takahashi, R. Pollard, I.I.
Smolyaninov, C.C. Davis, N.I. Zheludev, A.V. Zayats, "Polarization
properties of the enhanced optical transmission through surface
polaritonic crystals," in Photonics for Space Environments,
E.W. Taylor, Ed., Proc. SPIE, vol.5554, 2004, pp.197-204.
- A.V. Krasavin, K.F. MacDonald, N.I. Zheludev, A.V. Zayats,
"High-contrast modulation of light with light by control of
surface plasmon polariton wave coupling," Appl. Phys. Lett.,
vol.85, 2004, pp.3369-3371.
- "Surface-plasmon photonics for all-optical applications on
the nanoscale," A.V. Zayats, invited talk at the IEEE Laser and
Electro-optics Society 17th Annual Meeting, Puerto Rico (USA),
- "Linear and nonlinear optical properties of surface plasmon
polaritonic crystals," A.V. Zayats, invited talk at the RIKEN
Symposium, Tokyo (Japan), 2004.
- "Surface plasmon photonics," A.V. Zayats, lecture at the
National Microelectronic Research Centre, University College Cork, Cork,
Ireland (December 2004).
- "Far-field optical microscopy with nanometer-scale
resolution based on the in-plane image magnification by surface
plasmon polaritons," I.I. Smolyaninov, J. Elliott, C.C. Davis,
A.V. Zayats, talk at the MRS Symposium on Scanning-Probe and
Other Novel Microscopies of Local Phenomena in Nanostructured
Materials, 2004 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston
(MA, USA), 2004.
- J. Elliott, I.I. Smolyaninov, N.I. Zheludev, A.V. Zayats,
"Wavelength-dependent birefringence of surface plasmon polaritonic
crystals," Phys. Rev. B, vol. 70, 2004, 233403.
- W. Dickson, S. Takahashi, R. Pollard, A.V. Zayats,
"Near-field second-harmonic imaging of thin ferromagnetic films,"
Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 85, 2004, pp.6341-6343.
- S. Goumri-Said, L. Salomon, J.P. Dufour, F. de Fornel,
A.V. Zayats, "Numerical simulations of photon scanning tunneling
microscopy: role of a probe tip geometry in image formation,"
Optics Comm., vol.244, 2005, pp.245-258.
- W. Dickson, S. Takahashi, D. McHugh, R. Atkinson, R.Pollard,
A.V. Zayats, "Near-field second-harmonic imaging of magnetic
domains," J. Appl. Phys., vol.97, 2005, 033505.
- A.V. Krasavin, N.I. Zheludev, A.V. Zayats, "Active control
of surface plasmon polariton waves," J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt.,
vol. 7, 2005, pp.S85-S89.
- I.I. Smolyaninov, C.C. Davis, V.N. Smolyaninova, D.
Schaefer, J. Elliott, A.V. Zayats, "Plasmon-induced magnetization
of metallic nanostructures," Phys. Rev. B, vol.71, 2005, 035425.
- A.V. Zayats, I.I. Smolyaninov, A.A. Maradudin, "Nano-optics
of surface plasmon polaritons," Phys. Rep., vol. 408, 2005, pp.131-314 (review article).
- I.I. Smolyaninov, C.C. Davis, J. Elliott, A.V. Zayats,
"Far-field optical microscopy with nanometer-scale resolution
based on the in-plane image magnification by surface plasmon
polaritons," Phys. Rev. Lett., vol.94, 2005, 057401.
- I.I. Smolyaninov, C.C. Davis, J. Elliott, A.V. Zayats,
"Resolution enhancement of a surface immersion microscope near the
plasmon resonance," Opt. Lett., vol.30, 2005, pp.382-384.
- W. Dickson, S. Takahashi, R. Pollard, R. Atkinson, A.V.
Zayats, "High resolution optical imaging of magnetic domain structures," IEEE Trans. on Nanotechnology, vol.4,
2005, pp.229-237.
- "Plasmon-induced magnetization of metallic nanostructures,"
I.I Smolyaninov, C. Davis, V. Smolyaninova, D. Schaefer, J.
Elliott, A.V. Zayats, poster at the American Physical Society
March Meeting, Los Angeles (CA, USA), 2005.
- "Spectral analysis of periodically structured metal
surfaces," J. Elliott, G. Wurz, D. Gerard, L. Salomon, F. de
Fornel, A. V. Zayats, talk at the Optoelectronics and
Photonic Devices conference, SPIE Opto-Ireland-2005 Symposium, Dublin
(Ireland), 2005.
- "Nano-scale optical pattering in amorphous silicon carbide,"
T. Tsvetkova, S. Takahashi, A. Zayats, P. Dawson, R. Turner, L.
Bischoff, O. Angelov, D. Dimova-Malinovska, poster at the
Optoelectronics and Photonic Devices conference, SPIE Opto-Ireland-2005 Symposium, Dublin (Ireland), 2005.
- D. Gerard, L. Salomon, F. de Fornel, A.V. Zayats,
"Suppression of radiative losses of surface polaritons on
nanostructured thin metal films," Opt. Lett., vol.30, 2005,
- A.V. Zayats, J. Elliott, I.I. Smolyaninov, C.C. Davis,
"Imaging with short-wavelength surface plasmon polaritons," Appl.
Phys. Lett., vol.86, 2005, 151114.
- "Polarization properties of optical transmission of
elliptical hole arrays in metal," J. Elliott, G. Wurtz, I.I.
Smolyaninov, N.I. Zheludev, A.V. Zayats, talk at the Nanophotonics for Information Systems (IRPA/NPIS-2005), San Diego
(CA, USA), 2005.
- "Active plasmonics," A.V. Krasavin, K.F. MacDonald, N.I.
Zheludev, A.V. Zayats, talk at the Nanophotonics for
Information Systems (IRPA/NPIS-2005), San Diego (CA, USA), 2005.
- "Surface polaritonic crystals: linear and nonlinear optical
properties," A.V. Zayats, invited talk at the International
Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics (ICONO/LAT-2005), St.
Petersburg (Russia), 2005.
- W. Dickson, A. Stachkevitch, J. Ben Youssef, S.Takahashi,
A.V. Zayats, "SNOM imaging of thick ferromagnetic films: image
formation mechanisms and limitations," Opt. Comm., vol.205, 2005,
- M. Borghesi, S.V. Bulanov, T.Zh. Esirkepov, S. Fritzler, S.
Kar, T.V. Liseikina, V. Malka, F. Pegoraro, L. Romagnani, J.P.
Rousseau, A. Schiavi, O. Willi, A.V. Zayats, "Plasma ion evolution
in the wake of a high-intensity ultrashort laser pulse," Phys.
Rev. Lett., vol.94, 2005, 195003.
- "Controlling surface polaritons on structured metallic
films," J. Elliott, G. Wurtz, I. Smolyaninov, L. Salomon, R.
Pollard, A.V. Zayats, talk at the 2nd Intern. Conf. on
Surface Plasmon Photonics, Graz (Austria), 2005.
- "Optical spectroscopy and magneto-optical properties of
metallic nanowires grown from self-assembled nanoporous aluminium
oxide templates," P. Evans, W. Hendren, G. Wurtz, C. Douglas, R.
Atkinson, R. Pollard, A.V. Zayats, poster at the 2nd Intern. Conf.
on Surface Plasmon Photonics, Graz (Austria), 2005.
- "Plasmon-induced magnetization of periodic nanohole arrays,"
I.I. Smolyaninov, C.C. Davis, V.N. Smolyaninova, D. Schaefer,
J. Elliott, A.V. Zayats, poster at the Quantum Electronics and
Laser Science Conf. (CLEO/QELS-2005), Baltimore (MD, USA), 2005.
- T. Tsvetkova, S. Takahashi, A.V. Zayats, P. Dawson, R.
Turner, L. Bischoff, O. Angelov, D. Dimova-Malinovska, "Near-field
optical mapping of the ion-implanted patterns fabricated in
amorphous silicon carbide," Vacuum, vol. 79, 2005, pp.94-99.
- T. Tsvetkova, S. Takahashi, A.V. Zayats, P. Dawson, R. Turner,
L. Bischoff, O. Angelov, D. Dimova-Malinovska, "Fabrication of
nano-scale optical patterns in amorphous silicon carbide with
focused ion beam writing," Vacuum, vol. 79, 2005, pp.100-105.
- J. Elliott, G. Wurtz, R. Pollard, I.I. Smolyaninov, C.C.
Davis, N.I. Zheludev, A.V. Zayats, "Spectral analysis of
periodically nanostructured metal surfaces," in
Optoelectronics and Photonic Devices, J.G. McInerney, G. Farrell,
Eds., Proc. SPIE, vol.5825, 2005, pp.65-72.
- "Optical properties of hybridized arrays of subwavelength
holes in a metallic film," G. Wurtz, J. Elliott, R. Pollard, A.V.
Zayats, Ch. Hubert, R. Bachelot, G. Lerondel, L. Salomon, talk at
the conference on "Plasmonics: Metallic Nanostructures and their Optical Properties," Optics and Photonics 2005 symposium, the 50th SPIE
Annual meeting, San Diego (CA, USA), 2005.
- "Active switching of surface plasmon polariton signals using
nanoscale structural transformations," A.V. Krasavin, K.F.
MacDonald, A.V. Zayats, V.A. Fedotov, N.I. Zheludev, talk at the conference on "Plasmonics: Metallic Nanostructures and their Optical Properties,"
Optics and Photonics 2005 symposium, the 50th SPIE Annual
meeting, San Diego (CA, USA), 2005.
- "Surface plasmon polaritons on nanostructured metal films
and their applications," A.V. Zayats, invited talk at the conference on "Plasmonic Nano-imaging and Nanofabrication,"
Optics and Photonics 2005 symposium, the 50th SPIE Annual
meeting, San Diego (CA, USA), 2005.
- I.I. Smolyaninov, C.C. Davis, A.V. Zayats, "Image formation
in surface plasmon polariton mirrors: applications in
high-resolution optical microscopy," New J. Phys., vol. 7, 2005,
- I.I. Smolyaninov, C.C. Davis, J. Elliott, G. Wurtz, A.V.
Zayats, "Super-resolution optical microscopy based on photonic
crystal materials," Phys. Rev. B, vol. 72, 2005, 085442.
- "Planar chiral meta-materials," N.I. Zheludev, A.
Schwanecke, A. Krasavin, V. Fedotov, S. Prosvirnin, A.V. Zayats,
invited talk at the SPIE International Congress on Optics and
Optoelectronics, Warsaw (Poland), 2005.
- W. Dickson, S. Takahashi, C. Morros I Boronat, R. M. Bowman,
J. M. Gregg, A. V. Zayats, "Near-field second-harmonic imaging of
thin ferroelectric films," Phys. Rev. B, vol. 72, 2005, 094110.
- "Surface plasmon
nanophotonics," A. V. Zayats, seminar at the London Centre for Nanotechnology, UK (September 2005)
- S. Takahashi, A. Potts, D. Bagnall, N.I. Zheludev, A.V.
Zayats, "Near-field polarization conversion in planar chiral
nanostructures," Optics Comm., vol. 255, 2005, pp.91-96.
- "Polarisation properties of planar chiral nanostructures,"
S. Takahashi, G.A. Wurtz, A. Krasavin, N.I. Zheludev, A.V. Zayats,
poster at the 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Near-Field Optics,
Niigata (Japan), 2005.
- "Controlling optical
response of surface plasmon polaritons crystals," G. Wurtz, J.
Elliott, I. Smolyaninov, L. Salomon, R. Pollard, A. Zayats,
invited talk at the 6th Intern. Conf. on Optics and High
Technology Material Science, Kiev (Ukraine), 2005.
"Surface plasmon optics," A. V. Zayats, invited talk at the Martin-Luther-Universitat
Halle-Wittenberg, Germany (January 2006)
- A.V. Zayats, I.I. Smolyaninov, "High-optical-throughput
individual nanoscale apertures in multilayered metallic films,"
Opt. Lett., vol. 31, 2006, pp. 398-400.
"Optical bistability observed in surface plasmon polaritonic
crystals," G. Wurtz, J. Elliott, R. Pollard, L. Salomon, A.
Zayats, talk at the SPIE-Europe Nanophotonics Conf., Strasbourg
(France), 2006.
"Metallic Nanowires and their Polymer Composites: Optical
Spectroscopy towards nonlinear optical device design," W. Dickson,
P. Evans, G. Wurtz, R. Pollard, and A. Zayats , talk at the
SPIE-Europe Nanophotonics Conf., Strasbourg (France), 2006.
"Nanostructured ferroic materials," R. M. Bowman, P. Evans, X.
Xu, B. Hendren, R. Atkinson, A. V. Zayats, M. Gregg, B. Pollard,
invited talk at the Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Conf.
(CMMP06), Exeter (UK), 2006.
N. Zheludev, M. Stockman, A. Zayats, "Breeding new science
by coupling photons with `nano'," Editorial to the topical issue
"Fundamental Aspects of Nanophotonics," J. Opt. A: Pure Appl.
Opt., vol. 8, 2006, p. E1.
"Optical bistability in surface plasmon polaritonic crystals,"
G.A. Wurtz, R. Pollard, A.V. Zayats, talk at the EOS Topical
Meeting on Molecular Plasmonic Devices, Engelberg (Switzerland),
"High-resolution planar dispersive element based on a
surface polaritonic crystal," V. Mikhailov, J. Elliott, G. A.
Wurtz, P. Bayvel, A. V. Zayats, Quantum Electronics and Laser
Science Conf. (CLEO/QELS-2006), Long Beach (CA, USA), 2006.
I.I. Smolyaninov, J. Elliott, G. Wurtz, A.V. Zayats, C.C.
Davis, "Digital resolution enhancement in surface plasmon
microscopy," Appl. Phys. B, vol. 84, 2006, pp.253-256.
R. Atkinson, W. R. Hendren, G. A. Wurtz, W. Dickson, P.
Evans, R. J. Pollard, A. V. Zayats, "Anisotropic optical
properties of arrays of gold nanorods embedded in alumina," Phys.
Rev. B, vol. 73, 2006, 235402.
G. A. Wurtz, R. Pollard, A. V. Zayats, "Optical bistability
in nonlinear surface plasmon polaritonic crystals," Phys. Rev.
Lett., vol.97, 2006, 057402.
"Optical spectroscopy of assemblies of interacting metallic
nanowires: a route to designing nonlinear optical devices," W.
Dickson, W. Hendren, P. Evans, G. Wurtz, R. Pollard, R. Atkinson,
A. V. Zayats, talk at the 17th Quantum Electronics and Photonics
Conference, Photon06, Manchester (UK), 2006.
"Optical bistability in transmission of surface polaritonic
crystals, G. A. Wurtz, A. V. Zayats, L. Salomon, talk at the 9th
International conference on Near-Field Optics, nanophotonics and
related techniques, Lausanne (Switzerland), 2006.
"Dispersive properties of surface polaritonic crystals," V.
Mikhailov, P. Bayvel, G. A. Wurtz, A. V. Zayats, talk at the 9th
International conference on Near-Field Optics, nanophotonics and
related techniques, Lausanne (Switzerland), 2006.
"Tuning the strength of the coherent coupling of an
exciton-plasmon polariton state supported in hybridized metallic
nanowires assemblies," G. Wurtz, P. Evans, W. Hendren, W. Dickson,
R. Atkinson, R. Pollard, A. V. Zayats, W. Harrison, C. Bower, talk
at the 9th International conference on Near-Field Optics,
nanophotonics and related techniques, Lausanne (Switzerland),
"Optical spectroscopy of metallic nanorods: towards
nonlinear plasmonic devices," W. Dickson, P. Evans, G. A. Wurtz,
W. Hendren, R. Atkinson, R. J. Pollard, A.V. Zayats, poster at
the 9th International conference on Near-Field Optics,
nanophotonics and related techniques, Lausanne (Switzerland),
"Experiments on stimulated emission of surface plasmons in
metallic nanorod systems," R. Kullock, J. Renger, J. Seidel, S.
Grafstrom, L. M. Eng, W. Dickson, G. A. Wurtz, P. Evans, R. J.
Pollard, A. V. Zayats, invited talk at the 9th International
conference on Near-Field Optics, nanophotonics and related
techniques, Lausanne (Switzerland), 2006.
P. Evans, W. R. Hendren, R. Atkinson, G. A. Wurtz, W.
Dickson, A. V. Zayats, R. J. Pollard, "Growth and properties of
gold and nickel nanorods in thin film alumina," Nanotechnology, vol. 17, 2006, pp. 5746-5753.
"Nanophotonics with surface plasmons," A. V. Zayats, invited talk at the Manchester University, UK (November 2006)
"Surface plasmon polaritonic crystals and their
applications," A. V. Zayats invited talk at the International
Workshop Plasmonics and Applications in Nanotechnologies,
Singapore, 2006.
C. Reinhardt, S. Passinger, B. N. Chichkov, W. Dickson, G.
A. Wurtz, P. Evans, R. Pollard, A. V. Zayats, "Restructuring and
modification of metallic nanorod arrays using femtosecond laser
direct writing," Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 89, 2006, 231117.